Pan-African conglomerate Axian, a group specialising in services and infrastructure, and the prestigious school, 42 have partnered to open a...
Mastercard recently hosted its second Girls4Tech Marathon in South Africa and Kenya to inspire and prepare girls aged 7-12 to...
Kenya will implement the layout of 52 percent of the proposed 100,000km of the national fibre optic cable while the...
Nexford University, a US-based online institution, has announced plans to expand its distance learning courses to Kenya. The move comes...
Africa’s largest innovation hub, Co-Creation Hub (CcHUB) has launched a $15 million accelerator program named “The Edtech Fellowship Program.” According...
Kenya’s digital literacy gap is set to narrow further as the first ever mobile computer lab scales up its activity...
The World Bank Group will spend Sh52 billion ($390 million) on Kenya’s plan to set up 25,000 free WIFI hotspots...
Konza Technopolis Development Authority (KoTDA) has partnered with Moringa School to impart 1 million youth with cutting-edge digital skills to...
A delegation of four students from the African Leadership University (ALU) has called on US policymakers and Silicon Valley leaders...
Ed-tech, Unstoppable Women of Web3 (Unstoppable WoW3) group will provide Web3 and metaverse education to six million women in Africa...
African States have been urged to prioritise affordable digital technologies and internet access, worthy investments, and commitment to education. Thobekile...
Kenya’s 29-year-old Nelly Cheboi is the 2022 CNN Hero of the Year. Her novel and innovative project, setting up computer...