CLIMATE TECHCLOUD COMPUTINGTechnologyThis is why Epson is shifting from laser printers to inkjet printing
AI & BIGDATACLOUD COMPUTINGFUTURISMOP-EDTechnologyTechnology adoption is on the uptick in the post-pandemic era
4IR STARTUPSAI & BIGDATACLOUD COMPUTINGCYBER SECTechnologyAcross all sectors, manufacturing leads with the highest average ransomware payments
5GAI & BIGDATACLOUD COMPUTINGFUTURISMTechnologyUptake of Huawei 5G services more than doubles in three years
CLOUD COMPUTINGCYBER SECFINTECHTechnologyRansomware remains a top cyber risk for businesses as new threats continue to emerge
4IR STARTUPSCLOUD COMPUTINGTechnologyLG partners with University of Nairobi to train experts on ventilation, air conditioning innovations
4IR STARTUPSCLOUD COMPUTINGTechnologyConsumers show a growing preference for mobile transactions and interactions with retailers
CLOUD COMPUTINGEDITOR'S PICKQUANTUM COMPUTINGTechnologyIBM unveils Osprey, its largest quantum computer with 433 qubits
CLOUD COMPUTINGEDITOR'S PICKFUTURISMTechnologySimplified coding platforms hand employees power to develop customised solutions
4IR STARTUPSCLOUD COMPUTINGEDITOR'S PICKFINTECHTechnologyICT nominee Owalo’s roadmap for digital economy, paperless government