A major conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI), titled “Global Inclusivity and AI: Africa,” recently concluded in Lagos, Nigeria. The event...
In the rolling farmlands of Zimbabwe, where agriculture has long been the backbone of the economy, a quiet revolution is...
Kituo Cha Sheria, a Kenyan non-governmental organization, has initiated legal action to advocate for the entry of Elon Musk’s Starlink...
Malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases, continues to pose a significant threat to millions of people, particularly in...
In a significant leap forward for artificial intelligence personalization, Google has announced the introduction of “Gems” for its Gemini AI...
Liquid Intelligent Technologies, a subsidiary of Cassava Technologies, has announced a strategic partnership with US-based satellite communications company Globalstar to...
The Net Rights Coalition (NRC) has raised serious concerns over Tanzania’s recent blocking of the social media platform X (formerly...
Starlink, the satellite internet service owned by tech magnate Elon Musk, has officially launched its operations in the Southern African...
The field of mental health technology is rapidly evolving, offering new ways to address emotional well-being. From apps to AI-driven...
In a significant move to enhance Ghana’s telecommunications infrastructure, Nokia has announced an expansion of its partnership with Next-Gen InfraCo...
South Africa’s top cryptocurrency platform, Luno, is on high alert following a recent AI-driven deepfake scam that targeted one of...
In recent years, Kenya has witnessed an unprecedented surge in interest around artificial intelligence (AI), marking a significant shift in...