In a rapidly digitizing world, where efficiency and customer satisfaction are paramount, traditional insurance models are struggling to keep pace...
Safaricom is leading a group of companies, including Apeiro Ltd and Konvergenz Network Solutions Ltd, to assist the Ministry of...
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced an $11 million investment to support Field, an African healthtech company, in...
In a country already grappling with staffing shortages and long waiting lists at medical facilities, Kenyan health care workers face...
In a world where voice technology is becoming increasingly integral to our daily lives, the limitations of existing speech-recognition systems...
The M-PESA Foundation has announced the allocation of $587, 700 (KES 77 million) towards organizing free medical camps aimed at...
In Kenya’s Kisumu County, Millicent Atieno begins her day as a community health promoter with a sense of purpose. Armed...
In response to the maternal health crisis in Kenya, university students are developing a groundbreaking technology called Mama’s Hub, which...
In a major step toward modernizing healthcare, the Zambian government has launched the Digital Health Systems Project aimed at enhancing...
In an era where social media permeates every facet of our lives, it has become the digital mirror through...
Healthcare providers in Kenya to adopt automated, omnichannel communication solutions to improve patient experiences both in-person and at home. This...
Savannah Informatics Global Health Institute (SGHI), a Kenyan organization, has been selected as part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS)...